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Institutional Partners


BNYM is a leading bank counterparty when it comes to hedging nonqualified deferred compensation plans with total return swaps. The largest trustee in the world, BNYM also serves as trustee of many of our programs, providing independent oversight over client assets. They are also a client of Atlas, utilizing a TRS to hedge their own Deferred Compensation Plan.

BNP Paribas is a French multinational bank and financial services company with global headquarters in Paris. As one of the largest banks in the world, with high levels of credit quality and first-in-class processing, BNP Paribas is another leader in this area.


The Goldman, Sachs & Co. has one of the most well-managed equities desks in the world today. It’s Equities Division supports our clients and is very knowledgeable about our propriety strategies for administering TRS hedges of NQDC plans. Goldman was the first firm to use our TRS administration strategy under a nonqualified plan they implemented in 2001.

Natixis is the international corporate, investment management and financial services arm of Groupe BPCE, the second-largest banking player in France. 


Through CapAcuity's comprehensive consulting and asset management services, the company helps clients respond effectively to the latest trends impacting their executive benefit plans. CapAcuity has developed proprietary analytics and technologies for optimizing tax, funding, and hedging strategies, which enable it to drive cost efficiencies and effectively manage innovative solutions. The result is dramatically improved financial results for plan sponsors, and enhanced retirement outcomes for plan participants.

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Atlas Financial Partners and its associates do not give legal, accounting, tax, or investment advice. Please consult with your own advisers. Atlas is not an third party control person under CFTC Regulation 23.402(c); a designated evaluation agent under CFTC Regulation 23.434(b) nor a qualified independent representative under CFTC Regulation 23.450(b). Atlas is a third party administrator performing purely administrative functions with respect to the management of the transactions discussed herein. Atlas is not a swap advisor or a swap dealer and will not provide recommendations or advice on swap strategies. Please consult your own advisors.

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