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All contents of this website are the property of Atlas Financial Partners LLC (“Atlas”).


This website does not purport to be all-inclusive or to contain all the information that an interested party may desire in pursuing the business opportunities described herein. While the information herein is believed to be accurate, Atlas makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, concerning this website or any other written or oral communication transmitted or made available to any party. Any trademarks used herein are the sole property of their respective owners. Atlas expressly disclaims any and all liability which may be based on such information, errors therein or omissions therefrom. Any recipient shall be entitled to rely solely on any such representations and warranties as may be made to it in any definitive agreement.

The methods and products disclosed in this presentation are covered by one or more of the following: U.S. Patent No. 6,766,303 issued July 20, 2004, U.S. Patent No. 8,290,849 issued October 16, 2012, and/or pending U.S. patent applications.

Atlas is a third party administrator performing purely administrative functions with respect to the management of the transactions described herein after their execution by interested parties. Atlas is not a swap advisor or a swap dealer and will not provide recommendations or advice on swap strategies. Atlas is not an third party control person under CFTC Regulation 23.402(c); a designated evaluation agent under CFTC Regulation 23.434(b) nor a qualified independent representative under CFTC Regulation 23.450(b).

Atlas’ role is more specifically set out in its Swap Administrative Services Agreement which outlines its duties and role in assisting clients with the administrative burdens of managing the executive compensation strategies outlined herein. The Swap Administrative Services Agreement will solely govern its duties and obligations. This material is presented solely for information purposes and is not to be construed as legal or investment advice regarding the soundness or adequacy of these strategies. Interested potential clients should seek out advice from their legal and investment advisors.

Certain financial projections contained herein are based on Atlas‘s estimates of future events. Although Atlas believes such projections to be reasonable and realistic, all estimates, projections and other “forward looking” material involve significant elements of subjective judgment and analysis and Atlas does not assume any responsibility for the validity, reasonableness, accuracy or completeness of such estimates.  The recipient is encouraged to conduct its own independent analysis of any estimates or projections contained in this Presentation.

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Atlas Financial Partners and its associates do not give legal, accounting, tax, or investment advice. Please consult with your own advisers. Atlas is not an third party control person under CFTC Regulation 23.402(c); a designated evaluation agent under CFTC Regulation 23.434(b) nor a qualified independent representative under CFTC Regulation 23.450(b). Atlas is a third party administrator performing purely administrative functions with respect to the management of the transactions discussed herein. Atlas is not a swap advisor or a swap dealer and will not provide recommendations or advice on swap strategies. Please consult your own advisors.

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